Time Strategies

For this class I think the schedule that my teacher and I came up with is a good schedule to go by. On Sundays I have nothing to do and by finishing almost all of the homework it will allow me to focus on my other classes that maybe more time consuming.  The only drawback to doing all the assignments on one day is that it is easy to get burnt out and tired, which in turn becomes procrastination and putting it off until the next week. For all my classes I tend to try to accomplish the homework between Sunday and Tuesday so that way I do not have much to do the rest of the week.  This is usually a great strategy but then the only drawback is that sometimes I will forget I have a quiz later on the week and am not prepared because I completed everything at the beginning of the week. I read 4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination and 3 Steps to Recapture Time.  The articles were helpful but to me all the articles are just restating the same tips and tricks with different wording.  Unfortunately, all the tips and tricks they have describe to do time management I have attempted before and they sometimes work, or they don’t. Based on my classes last semester my time management challenge will be keeping up with all the due dates.  My time management strategy is what I described above about doing all assignments and readings between Sunday and Tuesday.

Time is a Resource (November 4, 2015)
Nasim Ahmed; Source: Wikimedia


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